5 Valentine’s Day last minute date ideas for couples in Lockdown
(Estimated read time: 4 minutes)
We are personally not going to let COVID ruin our couple time. From non-explicit love song playlist and movies to black-owned recommendations on gifts for any day, if you’re scrabbling around for ideas this year, we’ve got you covered!
(1) Have a cosy COVID-safe date night indoors 🔥🎵 (get the slippers and robe out!)
Look, we know the situation outdoors, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a safe and cosy night in with your significant other! Scent your house with one of Eliana’s Wax Melts, buy a custom his and hers mug from black-owned Muggashop.com and fill it with some hot chocolate and roasted marshmallows by your fireplace. If you don’t have a real fireplace, you can snuggle up beside a surprisingly realistic 4K fireplace for absolutely free – just plug it into your monitor/screen, turn the lights don low and turn the brightness up to full on your screen (use surround sound for extra crackle!).
We’ve spared you the trouble of finding relaxing and romantic songs that glorify God by put together a playlist of songs to get you going! Dance, two-step and enjoy!
Our tasteful Valentine’s Day playlist
– Christon Gray – My love is real
– Mali Music – Heavy Love
– Mali Music – Beautiful
– Guvna B – I wanna be Valentines special
– Anthony Hamilton – Everybody
– Trip lee feat Leah Smith – Good thing
– Christon Gray – Isle of You
– NewSong – When God made you
– Thinking out loud – Thiago Lima sax
(2) DIY Spa Evening 🛀🏿🧼
Freshen up in style with a custom Spa evening experience. Fellas, be sure to pamper your significant other this Valentine’s Day. Run the bathtub, illuminate your bathroom with 2-3 strategically (and safely) placed candles. This flickering light is a perfect mood setter and relaxer. Apply a generous helping of fizzling Radox bath salts into the tub and relax for that Adam and Eve experience!
When it comes to massage oils, you can get creative and use olive oil as this is also garners amazing results for any massage therapy. If you have any professional massage oils on hand all the better.
Check out How to cope as a Christian during the PANDEMIC
(3) Cook/Bake together 🌮🥂
They say food is the way to a man’s heart, but you’d be surprised how easy it is for couples to bond through making something together – after all, isn’t this a large part of what marriage is about? If you and your beau are the creative culinary type, below are some sweet recipes you could do together and indulge in later:
DIY recipe boxes
– Hello fresh DIY mealbox
– Mindful Chef
– cook.gousto.co.uk
If you’re looking for a refreshing beverage to wash down your meal, here are some delicious non-alcoholic/alcohol alternatives to enjoy. Take a quick trip to Tesco’s and Asda for these bad-boys:
– Schloer Rose sparkling juice
– Pure Heaven
– Kopperberg alcohol free mixed fruit
– Mighty Malt
(4) Watch/rent a romantic (Christian) movie online 🎭
We know what you’re thinking, “but there are no GOOD romantic Christian movies out there!”. Well you’re wrong! Check out our list of Christian movies you can watch and enjoy with your significant other with NO ADS, some FREE and some for a fraction of the price of buying and 10 times more compelling than “The Notebook”. Watch the trailers below:
– Fireproof (Run time: 1 hour 58 mins ) *****
– War room (Run time: 2 hours) ****
– It’s a life worth living (FREE on YouTube – Run time: 1 hour 44mins) ***
– God’s Compass (FREE on YouTube – Run time: 1 hour 22mins) ***
(5) Question time and games with hubby 😂💬
Date your husband or wife all over again with our 21 questions for a fun. You can plan out your goals, and get to know each other more! These questions will ideally help you to connect deeper with your partner – I repeat, IT IS NOT AN INTERROGATION! Play this 21 questions instrumental on repeat for added effect…
We recommend you write your questions down on a piece of paper, and pick them out of a bowl, taking turns to answer them. The key here is to be playful and fun, rather than serious! Below are a few suggestions for questions to get you started:
– What movie character or celebrity reminds you of me the most?
– What is your favourite feature about me (physical)
– What is one thing you’re glad you’ll never have to do again?
– In life, what has been the biggest blessing to you (other than me, of course!)
– What was the best date we’ve ever been on, in your opinion?
Here is a cool list of 50 Christian couples questions you can pick and choose from if you get stuck.
Whew! We believe this should be enough to keep you busy this year. Like more than one of these or want to implement your own ideas? Feel free to modify and mix it up. Share with friends, family and that special person!