Social media addiction
Throwback to the days I was addicted to social media.
I would check it every morning
I would be motivated or demotivated by my following
I would plan my life around creating content rather than just enjoy my day.
– I started to create content I know people will like instead of being present in my life, I was willing to fly to heaven on at my own birthday party and leave everyone behind just for the gram. Lool
– I felt like my business was not progressing if I was not growing online
Until GOD in heaven himself told me to come offline and focus on the task he had set me. (To write my first book about my life and the journey from sexual abuse, abandonment and rejection to total healing and freedom in him) – out in October 2021

90 days no social media set me free.
– I now could care less about following and likes cos my value is in Christ alone
– I focus on the things that will actually grow my business (when I have the time) #mumpreneurs
– I post to serve, not to gain
– True business clarity comes from God himself not man
Have you considered doing a social media fast or have you done it before, Please share your experience with me and what you changed for you.
#socialmediafast #socialmediadetox #christianinfluencer #socialmediabreak #christianauthor #christianauthors #faithpreneur #christiancreative #browngirlbloggers #melaninbloggers#melanin #ghanaians #fyp #90dayfast #90daysocialmediachallenge