Jesus set me free from depression
So we have a special guest who wanted to share her testimony.
Hello my name is shireene AKA shazzyB and I had been suffering with depression for over 21 years,
My depression experience
I felt ashamed of myself, lost, angry, isolated like somehow I had failed. That’s what depression does to you it makes you feel like a terrible failure. People close to me didn’t know that I was suffering from crippling depression I learned to put on an amazing show to world to hide my shame, but that became more and more difficult, depression makes it tough to function and enjoy life like you once did. Just trying to get through the day can be overwhelming.
How depression affect me
It can interfere with your ability to work, study, eat, sleep, and enjoy life. Making any kind of decisions, reading, or watching television can seem really hard with depression because you can’t think clearly or follow what’s happening and there’s no way to feel better. Depression made me feel that there’s no way ever to feel good again. I would hold on to negative events and experiences and be unable to see positives. Falling asleep at night or staying asleep at all felt nearly impossible, or I could sleep excessively, but still wake up feeling tired or unrefreshed, despite the extra hours of sleep.
Sometimes i could not get out of bed, or feel exhausted all the time even when getting enough sleep. I would feel too tired to do simple daily tasks. Living that life is a nightmare, and to top it all I had to try to hide if from my kids when they come home from school and pretend i am functional; to be fair they played a big part to me fighting this, I used to fight with myself every day to get out of bed to just function.
My journey to salvation
In 2018 October this is where my life transformed I made a decision to go to a church called Potters house in Harrow. In this month i have never cried out for help or change in my life ever like this i feel to my knees and literally began to plead with God to help me get my life together, I continued to attend church I was determined to read the whole the bible and what began to happen was a miracle.
My healing process
I gave up smoking within two weeks of attending church, my depression lifted as if it was never there, if you truly know depression it just doesn’t go i was on medication, had counselling for this mental illness for years so when this change in my life was happening it was unbelievable.
I could not comprehend how this was actually happening until i realised, I have not had a helpless moment in weeks, I can shake myself out of feeling helpless, this was the awesome power of my father, God has literally reached inside me and taken my smoking addiction and this depression out of my actual being because I felt new like a different person.
It was a very overwhelming feeling i can’t really put in to words what it feels like to truly know that God has answered my prayers you have to experience it for yourself it’s the most beautiful experience you will ever have,
I can say I feel free like a massive weight has been lifted every day making life much better to live.
God is truly good, all he wants you to understand is he is the one and true God, I celebrate the reality of his presence in my life and still for the last 9 months I am still overwhelmed by the fact that my Heavenly healing and Loving Father God and I have an amazing relationship and he continues to work within me he will never forsake me and God your Father yes he is yours too can do the same for you all you need do is speak from your heart and ask him.
Peace and God bless I hope this helps.
Love shazzyB
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